Have you heard of Collagen Banking? It's trending . . .



Collagen, a protein that supports healthy skin structure, is responsible for your skin’s firmness, elasticity, texture and resilience. While your body naturally produces collagen, the production slows down as we age, resulting in dullness, sagging, fine lines and almost every unwelcome skin change. Plus, no matter your skin tone, lifestyle factors can also play a part in the decline of your collagen. Everything from stress, pollution, UV exposure, smoking, and even sugar consumption can speed up collagen loss. 

The new beauty trend called “collagen banking” involves boosting collagen production before it even starts to diminish. According to social media fans, it’s the key to preserving elasticity and firmness.


Collagen Banking is a preventative approach to collagen preservation. It’s like a savings account for your skin that involves the use of products with active skincare ingredients, at-home and in-spa treatments to help boost, build and store collagen reserves.

How to Collagen Bank with Skincare. You can’t stock up on collagen by applying it topically because the molecules are too large but you can use products with ingredients that stimulate fibroblast cells to produce more collagen, elastin and hyaluronic acid. We can all bank on one of these two moisturizers to stimulate collagen production, Novelle Vie (for under 35yr olds) and Longue Vie+ (over 35yrs old)


Could it be that Collagen banking is social media’s newest spin on anti-aging skincare? As the collagen banking trend gains momentum, it’s important to be realistic. We may still be a long way from reversing or entirely halting the aging process but we can  slow down collagen loss and keep a younger appearance for longer. And although we can stimulate collagen production, we can’t directly control it or preserve it indefinitely. Genetics and lifestyle factors still play a role. . .

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