The Glowdown on SUN Protection
You already know you should slather on sunscreen every day (even if it’s cloudy), it’ll keep your face from looking like leather years from now. But there’s much more you can do to protect yourself from harmful UV rays.
Protecting yourself from the sun is crucial. Here’s the glow down on what you need to know:
🌟Sunscreen is only good for about 1 year after it has been opened; after that, its effectiveness starts to deteriorate. If you have a tube longer than a year, it's a sign you're probably not using enough
🌟Higher SPFs increase the amount of time you can spend in the sun before you burn, but only if you reapply every two hours.
🌟Teach children sun protection early. The sun is responsible for 90% of all premature aging and 80% of lifetime sun damage occurs before the age of 20.
🌟Sun-blocking success is less about the SPF number and more about the way you apply it and how frequently.
🌟Smoothing on too little (use a full ounce- an amount that would fill a shot glass for your face and body) & too infrequently (re-apply every 2 hours) can render an SPF 30 as ineffective as an SPF 2
🌟The sun’s rays are just as damaging to your skin on overcast days. Play it safe, use sunscreen daily.
🌟Waxing services can make skin more sensitive and prone to burning. Allow 24 hours before tanning.
🌟Microdermabrasion and Chemical Peels make skin extra sensitive to UV rays for about 3-5 days after treatment.
🌟Although self-tanning products/treatments give the appearance of a tan (like Guinot’s Gradual Bronze Self-Tanning Lotion) they offer NO protection from UV rays.
🌟An increased sensitivity to sun exposure is a possible side effect of certain medications including birth control pills and antibiotics.
🌟Sunscreen should be applied 30 minutes before you go outside and re-applied during the day especially after you swim or, if you perspire.
🌟Don’t try to stretch your sunscreen too far, if you don’t wear enough it won’t be effective.
🌟Remember that just because you’re wearing sunscreen doesn’t mean that you should stay out in the sun longer.
🌟Sun damage occurs with each unprotected sun exposure and accumulates over the course of a lifetime.
🌟the Best SUNSCREEN is the one you'll use consistently
We have a Love-Hate relationship with the Sun
Although the sun causes premature aging among other things, it is responsible for the vital Vitamin D production in our bodies and regular sunlight exposure has been said to lower blood pressure, reduce stress, increase life span, reverse aches and psoriasis, help control diabetes and even improve sex!