waxing DOs and DON'Ts


Let’s face it, you may love long, thick hair but not when it’s growing on your legs, or anywhere besides your head. If you find yourself in a hairy situation  our hair removal tips are a smooth solution.


DON'T  wax skin treated with Retinol, Glycolic Acid etc. or, Accutane and  Blood-Thinning Meds-they make the skin fragile and too sensitive to wax.

DO wax 2 weeks before your cycle or 1 week after-you're less sensitive then

DO stay out of the sun for 24 hrs after waxing.  Freshly waxed skin is more sun-sensitive and prone to hyperpigmentation.

DO swipe waxed skin with a salicylic-acid astringent to prevent ingrowns-daily application gradually dissolves the dead skin around any trapped hair so it can break free.

DO soothe freshly waxed skin with Azulene Oil. Azulene (derived from chamomile plant) counteracts redness, has anti-inflammatory properties, and is great for sensitive skins.

DO Moisturize before waxing- very dry skin leads to breakage, pain and possible ingrowns-ever try pulling a weed out of dry vs. wet soil? Use Anti-Hair Regrowth Lotion (see products below) after waxing to minimize regrowth, moisturize and prevent ingrowns.

DON'T tweeze- you risk leaving the root, which can lead to an ingrown.

DO wax every 4-6 weeks.  With regular waxing treatments hair becomes weaker, thinner, sparser and eventually the root is destroyed...

Hair grows in 3 stages. It can take up to 4 waxing treatments before all your hair is on the same growth cycle (ie. they all come out together). Your first wax may not remove all the hair, it may last one week or, it may last up to four- it just depends on your own genetics, how recently and often you’ve shaved, and how well you do at preparing the  skin before the wax and taking care of the skin between  treatments.


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